Mallory Rat
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Rat Paws This recipe is called Currant Buns Rat Paws
It's a Cake or Bun
Making this is Easy
Read Mallory's Blog
You will need 1 pound white-bread flour, or whole-wheat flour, or part whole-wheat
1 cup and 2 tablespoons lukewarm water
1 cake compressed yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/3 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cooking oil
3/4 cup dried currants
What to do Pre heat the oven to 210 C

Look over the currants, and wash them thoroughly.

Put the lukewarm water in another dish, crumble the yeast cake into it, and stir till the yeast is entirely dissolved.

Mix the currants with the liquids, then stir in the sugar, salt, and oil.

Turn this mixture into the flour, and stir it to a dough with a spoon.

Then take the dough out onto a bread board, and knead till it is perfectly smooth.

Divide into small pieces and place on a baking tray or into bun tins.

Let the buns rise, then brush over with beaten egg and bake for twenty minutes.
This is traditional food in United Kingdom

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